This morning, two of our team responded to a report of a large amount of abandoned trawl net that had travelled up the river Yealm and washed ashore near Noss Mayo.
A member of the public had managed to get it onto a quay so that the rising tide wouldn't have taken it away somewhere else. The report we received suggested that due to steep and less than ideal access to the quayside, a boat would perhaps be the easiest method of transport to collect the net. Unfortunately, with the poor weather seemingly not getting any better any time soon and the boat therefore not being a viable option, John and Jules decided that they'd take on the task of getting it up the hill to the truck via the narrow windy footpaths.
Many thanks to Chris, for not only reporting the net to us and leaving his details to provide us with further information if required, but for also meeting our dynamic duo there this morning to aid them in accessing the net and getting back to the vehicle.
Jules, never content with sitting down for too long, decided to take the family dog "Lucky" to his local beach after his Sunday lunch. There waiting for him upon his arrival was even more ghost gear in the form of an abandoned pot that the seas had thrown back out at us!
The net materials will be repurposed and recycled, and the pot will be used by our UK Ghost Gear Coalition partner Captain Paul Watson Foundation UK for training divers. No abandoned fishing gear that we recover ends up back in the ocean in any form, except maybe for a few hours training.