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Get Involved with Fathoms Free

Here are just a few of the ways you can get involved with Fathoms Free.


Spread the message.   Like and share our Facebook page and promote our website on your social media. mention Fathoms Free and our work when you are talking with friends about marine plastics and debris.  By doing this you will help spread the word about the issues we are fighting and give others a chance to support our work.​


Make a donation.   Just click the “Donate” button on our website. All money raised will be spent on keeping our operation going, for example, boat and truck maintenance and insurance, public liability insurance, boat fuel. We are all volunteers and every penny will be spent fighting the marine pollution.


Join our event.  Keep an eye on our Facebook page for upcoming opportunities to take part in our public events. We need both diving and non-diving volunteers to help with shore cover, data collection, beach cleans, diver assistance and attending awareness events. Please send us a message to let us know you are coming so we can plan suitable tasks for all. 


Join our core team.   We are on the lookout for passionate, dedicated individuals who would like to contribute to behind-the scene running of Fathoms Free. We are currently looking for the following skills: dive organisers, awareness event attendants, social media, accounting, fundraising and recruitment.  You can do as much or as little as you would like to – we are all volunteers with life commitments and understand that flexibility is key. We are also a fun-loving bunch with a passion for marine conservation and undying enthusiasm!

Fathoms Free is a group of volunteer divers who protect marine wildlife and the environment for everyone's benefit by removing ALDFG (abandoned, lost, or otherwise discarded fishing gear) and other marine debris from the coastal waters of Cornwall and Devon.

ALDFG is also known as ghost gear or ghost fishing gear, as it continues to "fish," entangling, trapping, and killing wildlife indiscriminately. These trapped animals will die and act as bait, attracting more wildlife in a vicious cycle of death until the ghost gear is removed from the environment.

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Fathoms free are a registered charity.

UK charity number 1192613

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